We are giving you a brief introduction to "Filipino hair extensions"
Where can we find Filipino hair?
The Philippines, officially known as the Republic of the Philippines, is a sovereign island country in Southeast Asia situated in the western Pacific Ocean. The population of the Philippines is 109 million in 2020.
We do washing, cleaning, shampoo, conditioner, and machine weft after collecting the hair extensions from the Philippines.
What is the source of Filipino hair?
Filipino hair is hair collected from Philippines donors. This hair type comes in three main textures, namely straight, wavy and curly. Which is ethically collected from human women donors.
This hair type equally comes in either long or short form. Its texture most times depends on the hair texture of the donor as some can be, long with a natural wavy flow. While on the other hand, it can be short wavy, or curly.
Here at Filipino hair collection, we strive to offer a vast array of authentic Raw and Virgin human hair. Filipino hair extensions have been sourced from individual donors and do consist of cuticles flowing in the same direction.
They are personally selected and are of some of the finest grains. Our goal is to bring the most sought-after origins and beautiful textures of human hair to the forefront of the human hair market, in its purest form.
It is naturally and lusciously gorgeous. At the same time, it is incredibly lightweight, which enables you to add in your natural hair if you wish.
Additionally, this type of hair extensions could be treated like your natural hair and they are easier to blend with your style. You can wash, shampoo, cut, and color them in whatever way you want.
Where is Filipino hair collected?
Filipino hair is extremely rare due to a population of 109 million people in the country. Filipino women donate their hair for money.
We collected Filipino hair from donors in the Philippines region. Most of the donors come from small, rural places within the Philippines, where companies pay donors to get healthy and quality hair extensions.
What is the feature of Filipino hair?
Filipino hair is durable and lasts longer than most other hair types. Additionally, this type of hair extensions could be treated like your natural hair and they are easier to blend with your style. You can wash, shampoo, cut, and color them in whatever way you want.
In the Philippines, most people have naturally silky, thick, wavy, or natural curly hair. Filipino hair is the finest in luxury hair extensions and a big trend with celebrities and high-end consumers.
This hair stands because of its ability to adapt to high manipulation, thickness, strength, and long-lasting nature. Rarely tangles or has split ends. 100% unprocessed.
Is Filipino hair good?
Yes, Filipino hair extensions are 100% good. This is a good choice for those women who want to purchase silky hair with coarse hair. We do not do chemical treatment.
Filipino hair extensions are 100% genuine raw hair extensions. The reason clients choose Filipino hair is because of the hair length, softness, silky quality, and texture.
For most women, this is a great option for hair wigs and hair extensions. I really suggest Filipino hair for African-American women, making it a wonderful wavy.
Why should we buy Filipino hair extensions?
Filipino hair is silky, slightly thicker, and a little coarser than Filipino hair, but is very lightweight. However, both will blend with all ethnicity and hair origins to include African American natural and relaxed hair.
You can absolutely treat your Filipino hair just as you would your own. Because Filipino hair is completely unprocessed one of the major benefits is you can color, cut, curl or straighten it any style you desire.
Filipino hair is 100% pure and unprocessed meaning that no chemicals or steam have been used to manipulate the hair from its natural form.
Filipino hair is extraordinarily durable and versatile and, for this reason, allows you to style and curl it repeatedly with significant results.
Filipino hair is a great multi-purpose hair, as you can constantly change your look and style without damaging the hair.
Most buyers want silky hair with good thickness, so Filipino hair extensions are the best choice for all.
Filipino hair is soft, smooth, silky, and doesn’t tangle easily. It is a kind of reasonable hair extension for many women.
How long does Filipino hair last?
Please keep in mind that no 2 people care for Filipino hair the same way.
There are so many factors to consider; products used, climate, water, how often hair is washed, heating tools, and of course how you individually care for our hair.
However, considering the best proper care is being done, we have seen our hair last a minimum of 4-5 years and longer.
Patterns of Filipino Hair
What are the textures of Filipino hair?
The real texture of Filipino hair ranges from natural straight to natural wavy. Natural curly hair is not too heavy and is always short in supply. A slightly wavy natural straight hair texture is most sufficient for pure raw natural Filipino hair.
Only natural textures are available. We never sell artificial Filipino hair textures like water wave, ocean wave, coil curly, Italian wave, deep curly, jerry curly. What are these textures? Machines make these artificial textures in China. We never do that.
Our natural textures are below.
Filipino Natural Straight Hair Extensions.
Filipino Natural Wavy Hair Extensions.
Filipino Natural Body Wave Hair Extensions.
Filipino Natural Deep Wave Hair Extensions.
Filipino Natural Loose Wave Hair Extensions.
Filipino Natural Curly Hair Extensions.
Quality of Filipino Hair
Which qualities are available in Filipino hair extensions?
These qualities are available in Filipino hair extensions below.
Filipino coarse hair extensions.
Filipino silky hair extensions.
Filipino lustre hair extensions.
Filipino heaviness.
Filipino soft hair extensions.
Volume bounces Filipino hair extensions.
Filipino soft hair extensions.
Types of Filipino Hair
How many types of Filipino hair extensions?
Two types of Filipino hair extensions are available.
A single donor called Vietnamese natural raw virgin hair extensions.
Different donors called Vietnamese natural Remy hair extensions.
What is the difference between a single donor of Filipino hair and a different donor of Filipino hair?
A single donor is cut from one woman, and it is also packed in one bundle. Secondly, different donors hair extensions are mixed with various types of women.
Color of Filipino Hair
What is the color of Filipino hair extensions?
100% raw Filipino natural color, black, natural black, and brown. There is no artificial color.
Products of Filipino Hair
Which products are available using Filipino hair?
We sell Filipino hair in the single weft, which is called Filipino machine weft hair. We sell double weft, which is called Filipino micro-machine weft hair. We also sell triple weft.
We sell Lace Closure and Frontal in simple and HD quality.
Natural Filipino Machine Weft Hair Extensions.
Natural Filipino Micro-Machine Weft Hair Extensions.
Natural Filipino Triple Weft Hair Extensions.
Natural Filipino Bulk-Loose Hair Extensions.
Natural Filipino Korean Lace Closure (Size-4x4, 5x5, 6x6, and 7x7)
Natural Filipino French HD Lace Closure (Size-4x4, 5x5, 6x6, and 7x7)
Natural Filipino Swiss HD Lace Closure (Size-4x4, 5x5, 6x6, and 7x7)
Natural Filipino Korean Frontals (Size 13x4 and 13x6)
Natural Filipino French HD Frontals (Size 13x4 and 13x6)
Natural Filipino Swiss HD Frontals (Size 13x4 and 13x6)
Brands of Filipino Hair
What are the brands of Filipino hair extensions?
We have divided the quality of Filipino hair into two parts.
Extraordinary Brand
Special Brands.
The extraordinary brand is 100% natural raw virgin Filipino hair extensions.
The special brand is also good in quality. It is 100% natural raw Remy Filipino hair extensions. These two brands have been created by our own company.
1-Extraordinary Brand - Single Donor - Virgin Hair Extensions
Natural Filipino Hair Sensationnel Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Splendid Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Marvellous Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Exclusive Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Luxury Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Legend Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Elite Quality
2- Available: Special Brand - Different Donors - Remy Hair Extensions.
Natural Filipino Hair Gold Plus Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Platinum Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Unique Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Premium Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Super Fine Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Deluxe Quality
Natural Filipino Hair Classic Quality
Images of Filipino Hair
Where are the images of Filipino hair extensions? How can we find Filipino hair images?
As you know, we only sell natural Filipino hair extensions. We are giving you the links to all Filipino hair textures below.
Filipino natural straight hair
Filipino natural wavy hair
Filipino natural loose wave hair
Filipino natural deep wave hair
Filipino natural body wave hair
Filipino natural curly hair
Our company provides the highest quality Filipino hair extensions sourced directly from the Philippines.
Our business is the largest running provider of Filipino natural raw human hair extensions in the world. With over 73 years of industry experience, we have developed a deeply loyal client base, and we regularly strive to keep our clients with 100% natural quality hair products at economical prices